Norime nuoširdžiai padėkoti mūsų nuostabiam vestuvių vedėjui Sauliui už tai, kad mūsų šventė tapo tokia ypatinga ir nepamirštama. Saulius sugebėjo sukurti šiltą ir jaukią atmosferą, praturtindamas vakarą elegancija bei sofistikuotu humoru. Jo profesionalumas ir šarmas ne tik pritraukė visų dėmesį, bet ir sujungė svečius, suteikdamas vakarui išskirtinį žavesį. Be Sauliaus indėlio mūsų šventė nebūtų tokia ypatinga – jis prisidėjo ne tik vedimu, bet ir tuo, kad kiekvienas momentas buvo užpildytas džiaugsmu ir maloniomis emocijomis. Ačiū, Sauliau, už nepamirštamas akimirkas!
Thank you, Sauliau, for your warm and professional services during our wedding. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you and having you as part of our special day. Your expertise and attention to detail were evident throughout the entire process, making our wedding a truly memorable experience. From our initial consultation, you understood our vision and helped us bring it to life. Your suggestions and guidance were invaluable, and we couldn't have asked for a smoother planning process. You took care of every detail, allowing us to relax and enjoy our wedding day without any worries. The ceremony itself was beautiful and heartfelt, thanks to your skill in conducting it. Your ability to strike the perfect balance between warmth and professionalism left a lasting impression on us and our guests. It truly reflected the love and commitment we have for each other. We cannot thank you enough for your exceptional services and for making our wedding day unforgettable. We highly recommend you to anyone in need of wedding services. We wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.
Saulius hosted Klinkmann Aveva Enable Conference 2023 in Tallinn were participated over 100 persons from 11 different countries. Event was hosted with high energy and lightness, he managed to engage deep technical audience and stimulate conversation. It was great experience to work with him, as a true professional he is well prepared and good team player.
Kerly Hendrikson, Klinkmann Eesti AS
Saulius was the master of ceremonies during our wedding and really made a significant impact in making our guests feel welcome, working with the planner to ensure the day plan went smoothly and us feel like stars on our special day. He was very pleasant and professional to work with in preparation for the event and on the day itself he took on the role of host with natural and friendly professionalism and leadership.
As we had already been legally married abroad, we asked Saulius to preside over our Lithuanian ceremony. We scripted this together with him in advance in our own style and he managed to bring this to life perfectly on the day. Here as well, his thorough preparation and professionalism came through.
After the wedding we received very positive feedback from friends and family, who all recognised the important role Saulius played in tying the different parts of the wedding and speeches together and making everybody feel welcome. He was also very flexible and capable of thinking and acting fast when things didn't go according to plan. In this respect it was clear he has experience and strong skills as a host.
We would definitely recommend Saulius as a host for any type of event and would not have wanted anybody else for our wedding. And to top it all he's a great guy!
Esu labai Jums dėkinga už Jūsų ir didžėjaus darbą . Viskas buvo labai kokybiška ❤️. AČIŪ už jūsų profesionalumą, už juoko skambesį visos šventės metu, už smagius ir įtraukiančius žaidimus! Tris kartus AČIŪ AČIŪ AČIŪ!!! Nors smarkiai rizikavome pasirinkdami vedėją neturėdami rekomendacijų ir patikėdami visą vaikų šventės koordinavimą, jau nuo pirmų pokalbių telefonu galėjome atsipalaiduoti, o vaikų šventės metu visu 100% įsilieti į besilinksminančių būrį. Esame labai labai patenkinti, kad vaikų šventės vedimą patikėjome Jums! Visiems norintiems turėti kokybiškai suorganizuotą šventę ar renginį lietuvių ar anglų kalba – REKOMENDUOJAME!!!
Thank you very much for being our Master of Ceremonies on Saturday. You played the role so well - entertaining our guests in both languages and crafting the evening’s atmosphere perfectly. We felt you very successfully allowed the party to switch between both funny and touching moments, which was great.
It was also a huge help to have you there to translate passages from the various speeches live, so that all our guests could understand what was being said.
Many of our overseas guests specifically said they thought you were brilliant!
20 Rugsėjis, 2023
Kad šventė gerai pavyktų, tenka šiek tiek imtis ir burtų :-)
Gintaro dulkės.
20 Rugsėjis, 2023
Pati pradžia, kuomet šventės svečiai per kelias akimirkas įvertina renginio vedėją: jo žodžius, išvaizdą, manieras, balso tembrą.. Tai momentas, kai tampi dar vieno ypatingo įvykio dalimi. @Dianakophoto
20 Birželis, 2023